Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why Not Get Your News ALOT Easier!

Getting news online is not only easier to access but it gets straight to the point.

With technology on the rise and people not having enough time to sit down and read the paper or watch the news, a lot of people are looking online to get the news. Why? Its easier to access and faster to read. If you watch the news you have to watch the whole program in order to get info on a single segment. Going online you just type in the news story you are interested in and it comes up. Trying to get a daily paper could be a hassle. With news stories just a click away, why would you want to go through any problems?

According to Amarendra Bhushan for CEOWORLD Magazine printed news goes back hundreds of years to the late 1400’s when news pamphlets were passed around in Germany. The first true newspaper (in English) was the London Gazette of 1666. The first one appeared in Boston in 1690. The world has changed SO much since then, and now with news online, a lot of people are jumping on the band wagon.

New York Times Magazine stated that since last year the sales of newspaper have decline 7 percent, while news paper web site audience has increased 10.5 percent http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/28/business/media/28paper.html

I can see why the newspaper web site audience has increased. I have never been a newspaper reading person because I grew up during the peak of on line news, but my mom has. Even though she is not a computer wiz she gets her news online. Before she did this she use to drive to the gas station daily to get the paper. Now that's one less earring to knock out the way before leaving the house.

Some people like to get their news online, while others like to read the paper. No matter what happens the important thing is that the news is available and accessible. So go on and read your news which ever way you like!

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