Friday, November 6, 2009

Technology: Our Biggest Gain

As technology advances, we must follow without looking back
The demise of the newspaper would disappoint many, yet I feel with the way our world is so technology advanced it is inevitable. Our society has taken on this new technology driven lifestyle, and without it many would be lost. Technology has given us so many opportunities and allows us to continue to search for further advances.

The way I see it is this... with the click of a button people can access the Internet. This means that there is no information in this world that isn't accessible. Need directions to that party your headed to? Would you like to find out more about a natural disaster in another country? How about listening to the different perspectives of our president and what he stands for? Technology has allowed us to access any of this and it is available anytime, anywhere. According to the Detroit Free Press editor, "The milkman doesn't deliver fresh anymore and doctors don't make house calls, either, This is a new era."

While yes technology has brought on so much good, there will always be some bad. Credibility is a big issue the Internet faces. While yes it is easily accessible for information, at the same time it is just as easy for anyone to post their opinions and state them as factual information. While the newspaper made it easier in this sense and gave us a sense of protection with getting the whole truth, the Internet is forcing us to be smart about what we look into and for us to do some work ourselves in what we are finding. While the saying "nothing comes easy" could be true, the Internet has shown us the many ways that it can be a false statement.

While yes some believe that technology is getting out of control and taking over our lives, we need to step back and realize that our world has drastically changed. People are always on the go, and having such an advance as our technology has allowed us to keep up with those busy lives and at the same time keep connected to what's going on in our world. By the time a newspaper reaches our mailboxes or our front porches, many of these important news stories in our world have changed. Without the Internet, people could be left with incorrect information and not be caught up with what is going on in our world.

Technology is only going to advance more and more as we evolve. We have so many more choices in life than ever before, which means we don't have to listen to one source of news such as the newspaper. Instead we can look to all forms of media and bring together what we find and come up with our own consensus and ideas of the stories we hear. Easy access to information also requires work. We can't expect to have everything done for us, but we do have to take advantage of all the different opinions and facts out there and together tie it in with what we feel is right.

1 comment:

  1. Technology: Our Biggest Gain? I Beg to Differ...

    So many people think that having the internet as a main source for basically everything is so much easier. Has anyone thought of the people that can't afford the internet or computers? Has anyone thought of the people who have a hard time using computers or would rather have the news right in their hands? We all need to rethink these thoughts of the internet being "easier" because in reality it isn’t.

    So many people rely on the internet for basically everything, music, news, communication, etc. Yes, our society has changed over time. We are fast past and live off of technology. With that thought we need to remember how much money technology can be and how difficult it can be to use. A survey shown on shows that 6 out of 871 people don’t have a computer. I know this is a very small amount but we still need to recognize those 6 people that either can’t afford or choose not to have a computer. We need to have different options such as newspapers for these people.

    Silverblatt mentions in the article, “People read the newspaper for the following reasons: Immediacy and thoroughness, local awareness and utility, Habit, Entertainment, and Social extension or gossip. These reasons could all relate to online news expect for Habit. I think people have a habit or daily routine to open a newspaper and find out what is going on in the world today. This habit is way people start there mornings. Some people would rather read a newspaper every morning instead of sitting on the computer. This habit might get taken away from them because of our selfish society.

    Honestly, I don’t think newspapers should come to an end. There might be a small amount of people that agree with me but everyone needs to understand what circumstances come with getting rid of the newspaper. Not only do people lose a daily routine or a way of getting the news but many people can lose their job. It is happening right now as we speak. We need to understand the importance of the newspaper. The internet might be an easier route but it’s not always the best route.
